Thursday, June 07, 2007

Rich And Poor!

Once again, we are shown that if you have money, you will be treated differently than the poor. It's seems to be the way it is, and it is sad. Over the last few years we have seen more of this. God tells us not to show favoritism, and by doing so we are judging by appearance rather than substance.
James; 2:1-4
(My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you." but say to the poor man, "You stand there"or "Sit on the floor by my feet," have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?)
When we give special privileges to the rich and with hold them from the poor, we have discriminated against them.

Why is it wrong to show favoritism to the wealthy?
(1) It is inconsistent with Christ's teachings.
(2) It results from evil thoughts.
(3) It insults people made in God's image.
(4) It is a by-product of selfish motives.
(5) It goes against the Biblical definition of love.
(6) It shows a lack of mercy to those less fortunate.
(7) It is hypocritical.
(8) It is sin.
James; 2:9
(But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.)

It is easy to fall into the trap of showing special attention to the rich, but God tells us not to do it. We are to remember the poor of our world and treat them the same as the rich.
James; 2:5
Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love Him?)
We are probably all guilty of doing this at some time or other in our life, but we need to remember what Jesus said.
John; 15:12
(My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.)
Galatians; 5:14
(The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself.")

Our whole country was based on equality for all, and we are moving away from this basic principal. We need to pray for our country and for all those who have been unfairly treated by our judicial system. We need to move back to "One Country Under God With Liberty And Justice For All".

God Bless You!

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