Monday, September 29, 2008

Change Of Heart!

Now we have a big problem in our financial district because those who we have hired to watch out for us have not been doing their job. The economy is heading into the dumps, morality is unchecked, people are living in sin, and we wonder why things aren't going very well for our country. As long as we continue on this path of sin and self destruction, it will not get any better.

When God created man He gave him commandments to live by so he could prosper. We have totally disobeyed these commandments and now we are paying the consequences of disobedience. When we had a sense of decency in our country and we were trying to obey God, He was blessing us. But now we have rejected God and His commandments and evil has taken over.

We cannot claim to be a Christian country and do it our own way. God tells us that mans heart is continually bent on evil and we have once again proven God right. We have two candidates for president telling us that we need change. They are right when they say we need change, but the change we need is a change of heart. We need to start living righteously and obeying God. He will not continue to bless this country as long as we continue to turn away from Him and live in sin.

You might think I'm wrong but turn your heart to God and see if things don't improve for you and our country. When God was speaking to Solomon, He told him that if the people would turn from their wicked ways, He would heal their land and I believe that He would do the same for us.
2Chronicles; 7:14
(if My people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.)

God Bless You!

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