Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The American People Have Spoken

Our new President elect Barack Obama will take office soon and everyone is expecting big changes. I pray that they are the right changes because our nation has reached to the very bottom of the pit. Our founding fathers set up our Constitution on Christian ethics and moral values, and we have pushed these aside. We have become people pleasers instead of obeying God. God gives us laws to obey if we want to be a prosperous nation. We used to obey them and prospered. Now we as a nation have decided we don't need God. We pushed God out because many people have chosen not to believe in God. They don't want the rest of us believing either.

People want to do whatever their heart desires and thus the spiral downward. We have decided it is OK to kill innocent babies before they are born. We have decided it is OK to marry someone of the same sex even though God says it is an abomination. We have taken the Ten Commandments out of public eye because some people found it offensive. It doesn't matter that the rest of us take them seriously. What our people have said is "God we don't care what you say, we are going to do it our way". If we really want change for our country, we need to turn from our evil ways and start obeying God. That is the only way to bring about the change we need.

God, Please Heal Our Country

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