Thursday, February 04, 2010

A Stiff Necked People!

When God spoke to the Prophets in the Old Testament, He often referred to the Jews as a stiff necked people. They had eyes to see and yet didn't see and ears to hear yet didn't hear. Their hearts were harden and they refused to obey Him. This forced God to judge them and He also sent them into captivity. God had told them that if they would just obey Him that things would go good for them but they still didn't obey. They worshiped idols and even their priest were corrupt.

Today we face the same problem. Our nation still refuse to be obedient to God. Then we have those in government who feel that they are above the law and continue doing things that are inappropriate until they get caught. Our country has been so blessed by God and yet the people have turned their backs on Him. They have the freedom to worship God without persecution and yet they don't. We have eyes to see but most don't read the Bible. Ears to hear yet most don't go to church. Now we have troubles in our country and Americans ask why.

I'm not necessarily saying God has brought these troubles on us, but why shouldn't He? We are a very stiff necked people ourselves. We want it our way, not God's way, and now we have one of the worst messes in our country I can remember. There is only one answer to our woes and that is if our country returns to God and repents. Pray for our nation before it is to late.

God Bless You!

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