Thursday, February 13, 2014

America Then & Now

 When I was young, we played outside without our parents knowing where we were until we showed up for supper. No one heard of children being taken and killed. We just never worried about our safety. Now, as a parent, you are afraid to let your children out of your sight for fear someone might snatch them away from you. Children are getting guns and going into schools and killing their school mates without any thought about life or death. You have the so called cowardly knock out game where young people sucker punch some older person or woman to see if they can knock them out with one punch. What has happened to America and the world and why has it happened.

 We don't have to look very far to find the answer as to why this is happening. We have so many one parent households raising their children without the help of the other parent struggling to make ends meet. Divorce is an every day occurrence leaving one parent to raise the children. So we have children raising themselves because the parent is working. There is no discipline in the home or outside the home and children grow up believing they can do whatever feels good at the moment.

 We have same sex marriages, abortion, and a society that doesn't want God involved. Well, this is the consequences of a godless society. Our country is in the tanks financially, corruption is an everyday thing in our government, we are not respected among other nations, and we ask "why?"

 There is in Scripture the answers to our woes in America. Read Deuteronomy 28 where God tells us what will happen if we are obedient, and what will happen if we are disobedient. There are Blessings for obedience to God's Word,  and Curses for disobedience to God's Word. We need to pray that people will wake up and return to God before it's too late.

God Bless

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