Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Land That Sins Against Me!

Ezekiel; 14:12-13
(The word of the LORD came again to me, saying: "Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut man and beast from it.)
God was talking to Ezekiel about the land of Jerusalem. Today it could be any country because we have all sinned against God. We look at just the United States and we will see a very sinful nation. We used to be a nation that many countries looked to for guidance, but now we have become a nation that is hated by almost all the world.

The one outstanding trait we used to have was our overall belief in God. But because of our selfish desires to have it our own way, we have pushed God out of the way. Parents have been raising their children without teaching them about God or taking them to church to be taught about God. Now we have become a nation where many don't obey or believe there is a God. They say "where is this God you talk about and why should I obey Him"? Everything continues as it has from the beginning, nothing changes. From what I read in the Bible and what I see in our country, our nation is asking for discipline from God.

But what have we done to deserve discipline?
1: We have legalized abortion which is the killing of innocent babies.
2: We have legalized same sex marriages in many states which God says is an abomination to Him.
3: We have pushed God out of our country but allowed false gods to take His place.
4: We don't stand behind Israel like we should, but force them to make unwise concessions to their sworn enemy.
5: We don't give God the glory for our blessings but take the glory ourselves.
These are just some of our sins we have committed against God. All in the name of being political correct and putting special interest groups in God's place.

So what should we do? We need to start seeing where our elected officials stand on these issues. If they don't stand for what God says is correct, we don't vote for them. We need to stand up for our religious freedoms before we lose them. We need to write our leaders and tell them to vote against same sex marriages, stop all abortions, and look to God for direction in decision making. We need to turn our country back to God and ask Him for forgiveness. If we will just humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways, things may get better for us. If we don't, our punishment is going to happen.

God Bless You!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very good post. I think you need to add the most important thing we should do.
Humble ourselves and pray.

Its all very well to stand up for what we believe in, the Pharases did that as well, but if we are self righteous, or proud about being a true believe (and how many arent?), then we fall into almost the same trap again.