Saturday, January 23, 2010

Judgment Is Going To Come!

As I was reading in the Book of Ezekiel this morning, God was talking to Ezekiel the priest and told him all the abominations that the nations of Israel and Judah were committing. The more I read the more I realized just how close the similarities were between what they were doing and what America was doing. They had been worshiping idols and America has its idols. God had told them to obey His word and they had refused. God has told us to obey and we have refused. They have eyes to see and ears to hear but they don't see and refused to hear God. We as a nation do the same thing.

God brought the sword, pestilence, and famine on them to kill the people because they had aroused His anger. Here we are in America passing laws that are a total abomination to God and then wondering why He isn't blessing our country. Maybe you aren't familiar with the Bible so I will mention some. We passed a law after Roe vs Wade that legalized abortion and have since killed millions of unborn babies. If that isn't bad enough, we have passed in some states a law that makes same sex marriages legal. That is just scratching the surface of our abominations. Then we wonder what is happening to our great country.

I see America continuing to deteriorate unless there is a revival within our nation and we repent and turn our hearts back to God. I listen to people who try to say they have the solution, but none of them mention God as the solution. All I can say is that if you leave God out of the equation there is no answer. Pray for our country as well as the world because Christians are being persecuted all around the world every day.

God Bless You

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