Thursday, February 01, 2007


It seems like there is always something going on that we have to deal with in life. What ever happened to the simple life when people cared about other people? I know that it must be a sign of the times that we live in, but it doesn't help when you feel like your raming your head against the wall. There was an issue where a child in grade school is telling other children that he is going to blow up their house. Now the boy is only 10 years old, but when do you start to deal with this kind of behavior?

The parent of one of these children took this to the principle, and she said "I know this child and his parents and this isn't seriously a problem. I haven't had this boy in my office for a long time." Is it me or is this principle taking this issue way too lightly? Maybe what we see in the daily news doesn't count when a child is putting out threats. Maybe if the authorities would have dealt with these kids early on, we wouldn't have had Columbine or any of the other school tragedies.

When our society decided to take away discipline from the parents and the school, we set ourselves up for big time problems. Not only have we changed the order of things, but we have gone against the plan that God instituted for raising our children. We are told in the Bible that we are to discipline our children if we love them.
Proverbs; 19:18
(Chasten your son while there is still hope, And do not set your heart on his destruction).
Early childhood teaching requires both parental discipline, including corporal punishment and balanced kindness and love.
Proverbs; 13:24
(He who spares his rod hates his child, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.)
Proverbs: 22:6
(Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.)
We need to understand that a child has to learn what is acceptable behavior. If they are not taught, they will decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong.

If the parents or the school had known what was on the mind of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, I’m sure that they would have taken appropriate action. But when we sit back and think that things will take care of themselves, this sort of occurrence may happen. I’m not blaming the parents or the school, but as parents we need to talk with our children and see what is going on in their minds.

Don't wait, get involved in your childs life and talk with them. They want to talk and they need someone to talk too. I'm sure as a parent you are trying to do the best you can, but the best thing we can do is spend time with our child. Take your child to church and read the Bible to them. Let them learn what God expects from them and that He loves them and cares for them. Pray for your child, ask fro Gods help and guidance in raising them.

God Bless You!

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