Sunday, November 19, 2006

Don't Take Your Life For Granted!

Is it me or does this generation take things for granted. We have grown up in a country that has more than any country. We have more freedom, more goods, more things to do and the ability to do them. We have more cars and consume more energy than most countries. I guess I can see why most of us take everything for granted.

Most countries don't have even a small percent of what we have and their children are put to work at a young age. I look around and see people wondering what there is to do and I think if you were in a foreign country, you would not have this kind of problem. You would be working at a job that probably didn't pay very much and wondering how you were going to support yourself.

I'm not saying that all of our young people are like this, but I do see a lot of them that are totally bored silly. When some of us older generation were growing up, we had to entertain ourselves, so we invented ways of doing things that were fun. Today all I see is young people sitting in front of the computers or television playing video games. I think that the terminology for this is a "gamer".

I was watching the news last week and saw all of these people sitting in front of stores waiting for the newest playstation hitting the store on Friday morning. This game station is selling for $600.00 and that doesn't include any games. I can only imagine what the games cost. After they get the game home they will spend endless hours playing games.

I guess this is the new way of doing things. The trouble is that if we ever loose all of our toys because of some tradgedy, our young people will not know how to function. We already deal with all kinds of depression in our country, and many people I know are on some form for medication to help them deal with life. They need to turn to God for advice on what and where they should be putting their time and money. We are told in the Scriptures that this present earth is going to be burned up with fire, and I don't see any of these toys making it through the fire. We should be spending our spare time working for the kingdom of God and winning souls for Christ.

Our life down here is so short and one day we wake up and wonder where it has all gone. If you are a younger person you may not believe this but just ask your parents and they will tell you how fast you go from twenty to sixty. When God tells us our life is just a vapor, here for a little while then gone, He means it. If you are in your twenties look back at how fast the last few years have gone by. The next thirty will go by even faster.

I am not saying that you can't or shouldn't be able to have these games, but don't waste your life in front of the TV playing games. If you do you will regret it when you are older. Work for treasures that last. Do the work that God has instructed us to do. Win souls for Him. Witness to your friends. You will make your friends happy when they end up in heaven for eternity instead of spending eternity in hell. Spend time studying God's Word, see what His will is for you. Don't let your life slip by and not find salvation in Jesus.

God Bless You!

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